How to link DLT template registration with AWS SNS for sending SMS


What are the steps to link DLT template registration with AWS SNS for sending SMS?

1 Antwort

I assume you need to assign DLT templates with SNS to send messages to India. In order to do that, you first need to register with TRAI [1] and then need to file an AWS Support request [2]. While requesting a senderID from AWS Support, mention following details:

  • The AWS Region that the sender plans to send SMS messages from.
  • The company name used during the DLT registration process.
  • The Principal Entity ID (PEID) that you received after successful DLT entity registration.
  • Estimated monthly volumes.
  • An explanation of your use case.
  • A description of the end user opt-in flow.
  • Confirmation that end user opt-ins are collected and registered.

While registering with TRAI, please register all the templates that will used by your organization. Refer to [3].

References: 1] 2] 3]

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