Some problem occurred while rebuilding Elastic beanstalk, and it ended up in No Data status.


After rebuilding Elastic beanstalk's Environment, the status is No data and EC2 is not created.

I don't know why it's doing this.

I am in urgent need of recovery and am seeking your help.

The related log is below.

December 12, 2023 20:48:10 (UTC+9) ERROR Failed to pull logs for environment instances. Reason: No such autoscaling group: awseb-e-i9uifxf9pq-stack-AWSEBAutoScalingGroup-AN1ZQZXCRMHK

December 12, 2023 20:48:10 (UTC+9) INFO requestEnvironmentInfo is starting.

December 12, 2023 20:43:13 (UTC+9) ERROR Stack deletion failed: The following resource(s) failed to delete: [AWSEBSecurityGroup].

December 12, 2023 20:42:57 (UTC+9) ERROR Deleting security group named: awseb-e-i9uifxf9pq-stack-AWSEBSecurityGroup-12O7KO72JQFPU failed Reason: resource sg-0972e1262c64beca5 has a dependent object (Service: AmazonEC2; Status Code: 400; Error Code: DependencyViolation; Request ID: ea2635b8-8452-4e1c-8ad4-278c93820416; Proxy: null)

December 12, 2023 20:28:48 (UTC+9) INFO Environment health has transitioned from Degraded to No Data. Terminate in progress (running for 8 minutes). There are no instances. Auto Scaling group desired capacity is set to zero.

December 12, 2023 20:24:49 (UTC+9) WARN Environment health has transitioned from Severe to Degraded. Terminate in progress (running for 4 minutes). There are no instances. Auto Scaling group desired capacity is set to zero. 8.7 % of the requests to the ELB are failing with HTTP 5xx (6 minutes ago). One or more TargetGroups associated with the environment are in a reduced health state: - awseb-AWSEB-186G6S536O1I9 - Severe

December 12, 2023 20:23:09 (UTC+9) INFO Deleted Auto Scaling launch configuration named: awseb-e-i9uifxf9pq-stack-AWSEBAutoScalingLaunchConfiguration-EEXAx9frUcIG

December 12, 2023 20:23:09 (UTC+9) INFO Deleted target group named: arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-2:093667773987:targetgroup/awseb-AWSEB-186G6S536O1I9/172b57016e55fd08

December 12, 2023 20:23:09 (UTC+9) INFO Deleted Auto Scaling group named: awseb-e-i9uifxf9pq-stack-AWSEBAutoScalingGroup-AN1ZQZXCRMHK

December 12, 2023 20:22:49 (UTC+9) INFO Removed instance [i-097a7858427af1002] from your environment.

gefragt vor 6 Monaten43 Aufrufe
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