SNS send file attachment


My one AWS hosted application need to send PDF or DOC or JPG any format files to http, SQS , https type subscriptions through SNS. Is it possible? Can you please provide any AWS reference tutorial link related for this? If not possible what kind of AWS Service will help me to achieve this using Messaging Service. Thanks in advance

2 Antworten

SNS is a notification service and isn't built to send attachments. You can use the next pattern: Put your file as an object in S3; Send notification in SNS with the pointer to the S3 object. You'll need to define the permissions for the bucket and the object. Suggest to review: and

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • SNS shall I publish byte array message instead string and so that my subscriber read bye array convert to file put in filenet? Is it possible SNS put byte array message? Please advise


SNS is designed to send messages, it's not designed to send files (especially large ones). You can send Base64-encoded binary data object, considering the max message size of 256KB.

See for details.

For larger payloads see the pattern described in

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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