Pinpoint Template helper


I have following script in my template which cause some failure when I run the campaign. If I remove this portion then campaign send emails.

{{#gt Attributes.Length "100"}} You have {{Attributes.Count}} schools {{else}} You no schools. {{/gt}}

If I remove the above text emails are being sent. Properties Length and Count all are there. AWS support says its valid but so far they failed to help. The campaign status says it ran successfully. I cannot see any events posted. Not sure what's happening. Any help is greatly appreciated.


gefragt vor 2 Jahren257 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

The #gt helper can only compare like data types. Your script is comparing Attributes.Length (presumably a float or double number data type) against "100", which is a number string. This may or may not be the issue, but it's one I've come across with comparison helpers. You might try it without the quotes around 100 and see if that works.

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