Determining port for lambda function running on core device


I wanted to deploy 2 separate components to core device (Raspberry Pi) and I need to define 2 different ports for them. I was wondering how can I specify a port for a simple lambda function (like "hello from lambda").

gefragt vor einem Jahr279 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Hi Nana,

what is your use-case, what do you want to achieve? In case your Lambda function should open a port to you need to do this in the code of your Lambda function.


beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • Hi Philipp, Thanks for your answer, So if I understood you right, you are suggesting to do this with creating a web server in lambda function code. My use case is that I want to be able to send a request from one Greengrass component to another and I was thinking about determining a port for each of them.

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