How to enable SSO for my webapp so users can search for items in Amazon Whole Foods market for items and add them to their amazon cart?



I am wondering if there is an offering from AWS that will allow for users of an app I would like to create to SSO into their Amazon account and add to their cart from my app. I’d also like for them to be able to use a search api provided by AWS to search for groceries (like the existing Amazon app has). Does AWS currently have an offering for features like this?

1 Antwort

There is the "Login with Amazon" service that allows you to log users in to your website with their Amazon identity (so they don't need another username/password), but no service will allow you to directly change their shopping cart. You might be able to craft a URL that makes it easy for them to add it, but it will have to use a product on the website to do it (because of cross-site protections in place).

Using the search API is an feature, and not something AWS has a service for. Maybe the Product Advertising API is what you want?

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beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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