a4b Conference and Caller ID parameters



I have setup a shared device and enabled conferencing with calendar integration. Is there a parameter to set/pass conference user name or number for Webex and Skype for Business so it displays a set value vs "Call-in User_2 (Restri****" or "anonymous"? Similar question for caller ID on outbound calls which currently show "No Caller ID" for the recipient.


gefragt vor 4 Jahren226 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Thanks for your interest in Alexa for Business.
The Echo calls into Webex or Skype for Business meetings using the PSTN dial-in number.
Today, we unfortunately don't have a capability to verify an outbound phone number and use that as the caller ID that's why the call are made with no caller ID.

I will share your feedback with the team.


beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

Thank You!

beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

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