SSH rate limit on fresh ec2 instances?



I'm trying to set up my environment using Terraform, just a basic setup with a t4.micro with the default ubuntu AMI for ARM with an elastic ip as a first test. But I'm already running into issue connecting to it with a few remote ssh commands to do some setup.

After setup I can ssh to it without a problem, but every once in a while, my ssh request hangs until timeout. After a lot of testing, it seems that I can connect about 5 times in a few minutes. After that, I can connect 5 time again. So it seems like a deliberate rate limit, but I have no idea where it comes from.

I've checked the following:

  • my security group allows all connections on port 22
  • there's no ulimit setting on the machine
  • there are no iptables rules
  • ufw is not running
  • all sshd config setting are commented out
  • /etc/security/limits.conf is empty
  • Fail2Ban is not installed

Any suggestions? Is there something I'm missing?

  • Tried all of them already. The difference with my problem and more or less every other issue I can find, is that I can connect, but only a few times in a specific timeframe. If I wait a few minutes, I can always connect again.

  • What error are you getting? Connection timeout? Connection refused? A SSH-specific error?

gefragt vor einem Jahr118 Aufrufe
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