Removing deleted content/Cache purging


I've deployed my static jekyll site via the Amplify console, building successfully a few times now. My most recent commit deleted a bunch of posts and other files, but many of them are still accessible through the domain. I'm wondering if the deleted files weren't actually deleted from static storage, or if the CDN cache needs to be purged for those particular URLs, and how we would do either of those?

EDIT: To clarify, some of the stuff deleted in the commit is correctly no longer accessible, but some is. The only reason I can think of being that the still existing ones are cached for a long time.

Edited by: pettazz on Jun 15, 2019 3:33 PM

gefragt vor 5 Jahren180 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Hi pettazz,
Can you send an email to with your App Arn so we can investigate this further?


beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

Looks like this resolved over time, so I'm guessing it was just cached pages? It seems to take a while for anything deleted by a build to actually be inaccessible from its old URL.

beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

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