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server capacity


Dear Addrressees:

I would like inquire about the following question

I would like to rent a windows server for running the MetaTrader5 software and i would like to use the built in strategy tester of MT5. It needs a very strong capacity of counting. I would like to give some information about that what kind of amazon server is that I need to rent for this project that it has similar capacity like a physical server with a 36 core cpu with AI supporting. The goal is to make a test much faster than a personal computer. I have a 2.4 ghz intel core i9 with 8 core and the test is running for 15-17 hours. I would like to shorten this time about an 1/3 period or more.

Thank you very much for your attention and answer to all the above.

Yours truly, Peter

gefragt vor 3 Monaten102 Aufrufe
2 Antworten
Akzeptierte Antwort


For the MetaTrader 5 MT5 strategy tests faster than your current setup you can rent an AWS EC2 instance with more CPU cores and higher performance.

  • Instance Type c5.12xlarge
  • vCPUs 48 (high-performance Intel Xeon CPUs)
  • Memory 96 GB RAM
  • This instance type should significantly reduce your testing time compared to your 8-core i9 CPU. It offers 48 virtual CPUs.

follow below steps.

Launch an EC2 Instance

  • Go to the AWS Management Console.
  • Choose EC2 service.
  • Click Launch Instance.
  • Select c5.12xlarge instance type.
  • Choose your preferred region.

Configure the Instance

  • Choose Amazon Machine Image AMI – select Windows Server to run MT5.
  • Configure instance details – default settings should be fine.
  • Attach storage – use at least 100 GB SSD for performance.

Install MetaTrader 5

  • Connect to your EC2 instance via RDP Remote Desktop Protocol.
  • Download and install MetaTrader 5 on the instance.

Run Your Strategy Tester

  • Open MT5 and set up your strategy tester.
  • Use the power of 48 cores to run your tests faster.


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  • Thank you for your answers!

  1. Amazon EC2: Choose an instance type with high CPU performance, such as:
    • c5.24xlarge (36 vCPUs, 3.0 GHz)
    • c6g.24xlarge (36 vCPUs, 3.0 GHz, with AWS Graviton2 processor)
    • r5.24xlarge (36 vCPUs, 3.0 GHz, with more memory)
  2. Amazon EC2 Instances with AWS Graviton Processors: These instances provide better price-performance ratio and support AI workloads:
    • c6g.24xlarge (36 vCPUs, 3.0 GHz)
    • r6g.24xlarge (36 vCPUs, 3.0 GHz, with more memory)
  3. AWS Batch: A fully managed batch processing service that can run large-scale computations:
    • Choose a compute environment with high-performance instances (e.g., c5.24xlarge)
  4. Amazon SageMaker: A fully managed service for machine learning and AI workloads:
    • Choose a notebook instance with a high-performance instance type (e.g., ml.c5.24xlarge)

To achieve your goal of reducing the testing time by 1/3 or more, consider the following:

  • Use an instance with a higher CPU frequency (e.g., 3.0 GHz) and more cores (e.g., 36 vCPUs)
  • Optimize your strategy tester settings for parallel processing
  • Leverage AWS services like AWS Batch or Amazon SageMaker for distributed computing

Please note that the actual performance gain will depend on the specific workload, instance type, and configuration. I recommend testing and comparing different options to find the best fit for your needs.

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  • Thank you for your answers!

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