What should I do to keep my website server on even though my computer is off?


I clicked 'connect using SSH' button and after that, I typed python manage.py runserver 0:8000. I expected the website to be accessible all the time when I just type that once, but if I don't keep my computer on and press refresh button every 30 seconds, I can't access the site. I should type same sentences every time to keep my site accessible. What should I do to keep my website server on even though my computer is off? I'm a student and not a professional so I'm expecting kind and easy answers. Thank you.

1 Antwort
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The easiest way would be to use nohup

nohup python manage.py runserver 0:8000 &

You can verify that it's indeed working by exiting the SSH session and connecting back again. Then verify with ps command that it is yet running

ps ax | grep python


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beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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