Can't migrate from snapshot to aurora


I'm trying to migrate my postgresql to aurora through a snapshot as detailed here, but the "Migrate Snapshot" option under actions is greyed out.

The snapshot postgre version is 12.9 and I've checked it's supported by aurora. Before, it was version 12.8 and I tried upgrading the db to see if it would solve the problem but had no luck.

1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

I have successfully created an Aurora cluster with the AWS CLI. Depending on the engine version, it seems that it can only be done with the AWS CLI.

aws rds restore-db-cluster-from-snapshot \
--snapshot-identifier {snapshot ARN} \
--engine-version 12.9 \
--db-cluster-identifier {cluster name} \
--engine aurora-postgresql

aws rds create-db-instance \
--db-cluster-identifier {cluster name} \
--db-instance-class db.t3.medium \
--db-instance-identifier {instance name} \
--engine aurora-postgresql
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • This solved it. I've even manage to use aurora serverlerss with this solution, but had to upgrade to 13.6 first.

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