My lambda function code suddenly disappeared


I was coding with the web editor on aws for a lambda function. Yesterday when I reload the page, all the previous codes are gone. It only has the default code. I couldn't find previous versions as well. I swear I published it before because I connected the lambda with a API gateway and use curl to test the code. It worked before. But everything is just gone. What the heck is happening? How can I get back my 2 weeks of work?

  • Have you verified cloudtrail to see if someone else modified your Lambda function?

  • I didn't setup cloudtrail.

gefragt vor einem Jahr463 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Hello, it is currently difficult to accurately locate the specific reason based on the limited information you have described. Perhaps you need to check Cloudtrail to see if anyone else has deleted your Lambda.

In addition, you can use Github or AWS Codecommit to manage your code, and use AWS SAM to help you building and running serverless applications on AWS. this way, even if someone accidentally deletes your Lambda project, your code is still safely saved and can be quickly republished to AWS

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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