Can I increase CPU on a reserved instance?


I am receiving notifications that my cpu power is not sufficient.

I have an r5dnLarge instance.

My instance has 29 months left on the reserved instance contract.

Can I increase my CPU on this instance and still keep the reserved instance contract?

gefragt vor einem Jahr256 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

The answer is "it depends." In a nutshell:

  • First, review the Types of Reserved Instances in detail. Note there there are Standard and Convertible Reserved Instance types.
  • If your instance is a Standard RI, you may be able to trade multiple RIs for an instance type with more CPU resources, e.g. an XLarge or 2XLarge instead of a Large.
  • If you are using Convertible RI, you can follow the instructions in the Exchange Convertible Reserved Instances documentation.
  • If you are using a Standard RI and you do not have multiple RIs to use in exchange for a larger instance type, you can sell your RI on the RI market.
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beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • Thank you for the reply. I have a single, standard instance in this case. How can I determine what reserved instance I would need to purchase to move up to a r5dn.Large to an r5dn.XL?

    I really want to avoid selling anything on the marketplace. I have been paying for an unused instances for 2 years (only 1 more to go!) and it has been on the marketplace at half price for 2 years now lol

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