New ECS service (on EC2) behind existing load balancer, blank listener protocol:port


Hi all,

I have an ECS Optimized EC2 instance into which we have been launching our containers along with an application load balancer that all of the applications sit behind. I just attempted to launch a new service, however, when reviewing the service configuration, under the main Health and metrics tab, it does not show any information under the Listener protocol:port section. See the screenshot below.

Missing Listener protocol:port

Everything else looks fine, the security group attached to the EC2 instance is allowing All TCP ports from the load balancer so the ephemeral ports are all covered. This same configuration is working for other services. It's not clear what is causing the issue for this particular service.

2 Antworten

How is the task definition set up?
In particular, I would like to know what is going on around the port number settings.

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr

Hi @Riku_Kobayashi,

To account for the ephemeral port, the host port is set to 0 and the container port is set to its default 80.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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