Basic setup on sending text messages via SNS - only from cloudwatch


Afternoon all, the title says it all. I really just want to have cloudwatch send text messages when critical services fail. I am not in the sandbox anymore (it appears), and under Text messaging (SMS) I see my failed messages. (I did setup a cloudwatch alert to use that number).

I did notice under Origination numbers I have one number that says active, but capabilities only says VOICE. The {i} mouseover help says this number doesn't support SMS.

So, I am reading a bit all over, and I see where inside pinpoint I can request a short-code or 10DLC. I am just needing some help confirming that I am on the right path as that step shows for the long code a $54 registration fee, then $11/month.

Am I correct in that if the above is needed, I could then send those SMS alerts for the $11/mo?


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