ALB 502 Error - Conflicting Solution Documentation


Hi Guys,

I'm running a couple accounts that each have an ALB in front of a single Ubuntu 18.04 EC2 instance running Apache 2.4.38 & PHP7.3-FPM.

I'm getting random ELB_502 errors that I found via the ALB logs. These errors are not displayed in the target's logs.

I have followed the directions on the following knowledge center article

According to the above:

  1. the Application timeout must be greater than the ELB idle timeout.
  2. Keep-Alive timeout must be greater than the Application Timeout.

However, this additional document indicates the Keep-Alive timeout must be shorter than the ELB idle timeout:

Specifically: "The target closed the connection with a TCP RST or a TCP FIN while the load balancer had an outstanding request to the target. Check whether the keep-alive duration of the target is shorter than the idle timeout value of the load balancer."

My setup:
ELB idle timeout: 60s (default)
Application timeout: 120s
Keep-Alive timeout: 130s

I don't see how I can adjust the Keep-Alive timeout as per the second document without failing to meet the first documents suggestion?

gefragt vor 5 Jahren1205 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Don't use Apache's event MPM module when behind a ALB/ELB. It dynamically closes connections.

Switched to worker MPM.


Edited by: ubbe on Sep 16, 2019 11:53 AM

beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

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