retrieve images inside S3 buckets without download it


Good day, i have a question about S3 which is is it okay to get the object (.jpg format) from the buckets without download it and using programming method? for example, i have one application, user must login, however, each user have different kind of user image initially, the images that shown in the user profile photo is get from my S3 object by using programming method to link and get that images from the buckets that i mention, is it have this kind of method? if yes, how to do it?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren809 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Is this what you are looking for -

If you scroll to the bottom, it shows the SDKs in different programming languages. You will have to search for the GetObject API for the programming language of your choice.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • hi Indranil, i have try to take a look on the documentation, however, the function GetObject only get the information of the object only, what i want is a image output only which will pop out from my application when i retrieve it, is it correct for my understanding on GetObject?


If you are doing web applications (or mobile applications with React etc.). then you could just refer to the image on S3 bucket. To add security you could generate signed S3 URLs for the images that you would programatically retrieve. You can se the maximum age for the URL so the app could only load the image for next 5 minutes for example.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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