Blazor and Cognito


trying to get a blazor server app to authenticate against cognito using Blazor.Auth0

user pool is working (can log in with the hosted ui) but when i run the app i get error 400 and the url shows

when i use the hosted ui it calls my callback gets redirected to https then calls authorize on the oauth2 domain and then calls/shows the domain above

sure something simple is just not configured correctly. any tips on what to look for?

any help greatly appreciated


gefragt vor 3 Jahren1014 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

switched the app to using Microsofts OpenIdConnect and was able to get it to work

beantwortet vor 3 Jahren
  • Hi @starzen , is your code anywhere as an example? I am searching now a way how to use Blazor Wasm+Cognito

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