Memcached - Connection timeout


I am seeking guidance on how to resolve the problem with Elasticache Memcached that we are currently encountering. Our setup consists of a 2-node cluster, and our application is based on Lambda. To ensure read availability, we write requests to both nodes. However, we are facing random connection timeouts that last for 10 to 30 seconds, and we receive "get_misses" errors. Upon checking the metrics, the CPU usage is low (around 5%) and there is sufficient available memory. Can someone offer suggestions on how to troubleshoot this issue?

gefragt vor einem Jahr1343 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Use the CloudWatch metrics to monitor the metrics such as network traffic, number of connections, and cache hit rate. This can help you to identify any spikes or anomalies that may be causing the connection timeouts and "get_misses" errors.

Make sure that the Elasticache Memcached configuration is optimized for your workload. You can review the Elasticache Memcached parameters and adjust them as necessary to optimize performance.

Make sure that your Lambda function code is correctly interacting with the Elasticache Memcached cluster. Check that your code is handling errors correctly and retrying failed requests when necessary.

Adding more nodes to the Elasticache Memcached cluster can help to distribute the workload and reduce the likelihood of connection timeouts and "get_misses" errors.

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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