about IoT LPWan Destination eZCRC Role


Hello, what does eZCRC mean in AWS IoT Core > LPWan > Destination > eZCRC Role?

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Thank you

  • Hi Sylvain. Could you please share a screenshot?

  • I have updated the question with a screenshot.

1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

Hi Sylvain. Thanks for the screenshot. That was a glitch in the console and I'm told it's now fixed. I'm not seeing it in my account. Hopefully you don't see it any more in your account (please let me know if you do, and if you do, which region).

It should just be Permissions. It's the role that the service should use to be able to deliver messages to your destination as discussed here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/connect-iot-lorawan-create-destinations.html

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