TigerVNC 1.12.0 needed


Hi, I need TigerVNC 1.12.0 to fix a clipboard issue. Currently AML2 support up to TigerVNC 1.8.0 only. Manual installation is not possible due to AML2 support to selinux-policy is 3.13.1-192 only (3.13.1-268 required).

Is there a plan to upgrade TigerVNC to the latest or workaround available? The new release also bring performance enhancements that helps when remoting into a EC2.

gefragt vor 2 Jahren190 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Since AL2022 is currently in public preview which supports TigerVNC 1.12.0, there is less chance for the latest version of TigerVNC in AML2. But we will consider if there is a security update and it requires a move to 1.12.

https://docs.aws.amazon.com/linux/al2022/release-notes/relnotes.html https://aws.amazon.com/linux/amazon-linux-2022/?amazon-linux-whats-new.sort-by=item.additionalFields.postDateTime&amazon-linux-whats-new.sort-order=desc

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • Can AL2022 be run as a virtual machine on premises like AML2, or exclusively on AWS platform only?

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