I need to add AWS employees to workdocs file however the system is not letting me. Receiving the following message 'Sorry, you cannot collaborate with people outside of your WorkDocs site.'


I want to share workdocs files with some AWS employees however I am receiving the following message; 'Sorry, you cannot collaborate with people outside of your WorkDocs site.' Please can you let me know how to work around this.

gefragt vor einem Jahr305 Aufrufe
2 Antworten


Your Amazon WorkDocs administrator has to authorize you to share files outside your organization.

Here is the link with more details on sharing in workdocs.


Thanks, Gautam

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor einem Jahr

Thanks for sharing your question. If you're still running into this issue, can you please create a ticket and we can take it forward from there?

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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