Support for CDC on Azure SQL Database sources


The document at says:

"AWS DMS doesn't support change data capture operations (CDC) with Azure SQL Database.",

but the release notes for DMS version 3.4.7 at says:

"For RDS SQL Server, Azure SQL Server, and self-managed SQL Server — DMS now provides automated setup of MS-CDC on all tables selected for a migration task that are with or without a PRIMARY KEY"

Is the "Azure SQL Server" part referring to Azure SQL Database, or Azure SQL Managed Instance? I'm presuming the latter. When I did try to do a full load and incremental load I got somewhat cryptic message implying that Azure SQL Database is NOT able to do incremental loads with CDC (as the first doc I linked to says).

If that is the case, does anyone know why Azure SQL Database is not supported, even though Azure SQL Database itself supports CDC? At this point in my investigation of database migration services (of any flavour) I would love it to be supported...

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