Security token problem while registering AWS DeepLens v1.0


I'm trying to register my AWS DeepLens v1.0 but I'm failing at step 1 "Autorizations". As soon as I load the page, there's a red panel showing "The security token included in the request is invalid". And if I enter a name then click the "create roles" button, same thing. The browser JS console is showing "POST 403", so I suppose I could manually add some roles in my IAM user profile, but I'm new with AWS, and don't have any clue. Can someone help me ?

1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

Ok, I found out how to resolve my problem :

  • go to the security credentials on your account page: Click on your name in the top right corner -> My security credentials
  • then generate access keys over there
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • Hey,

    I'm running into same issue :(

    I've tried going through generating a new access key, and that doesn't seem to have resolved it.

    Happen to have any further details on what you did?

  • I generated everything at the 4 steps under "Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)" on the "security credentials" page : (maybe not the same names, i'm using the french version that I translate here)

    • access keys
    • cloudfront key pairs
    • x.509 certificate
    • account identifiers

    Also I've these 4 roles in the "roles" page :

    • AWSDeepLensGreengrassGroupRole Service AWS: greengrass
    • AWSDeepLensGreengrassRole Service AWS: greengrass
    • AWSDeepLensLambdaRole Service AWS: lambda
    • AWSDeepLensServiceRole Service AWS: deeplens

    I've progressed but I'm stuck in an "endless loop", which I think is mentionned here :

    So now I'm waiting for a micro-hdmi cable to get a direct access to my deeplens...

    Good luck !

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