Cloned Elastic Beanstalk environment failing with status Severe


Hi, I have successfully created a multi-AZ ElasticBeanstalk environment with a Load Balancer, EC2, and RDS. This is a Java application using Spring Boot, with a MySQL database. Everything is working fine with this environment. I cloned this environment and the new environment is failing. The status is Severe. The Health shows: "100.0 % of the requests are failing with HTTP 5xx." In the web.stdout.log, I see this error: "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure" When I try running the application, I get error: "502 Bad Gateway" I restarted the app server, but didn't help. The original environment is still working fine. Can anyone please help? Thanks

gefragt vor einem Jahr404 Aufrufe
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I was able to answer my own question. The original EB environment had a custom property that referenced my RDS endpoint. In the cloned environment, I had to change that property to reference the new RDS in the cloned environment.

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