Unable to set bucket accelerate configuration - Administrator Access


I trying to deploy with the serverless framework and get this error for an S3 bucket where I want to enable S3 Transfer Acceleration.

API s3:setBucketAccelerateConfiguration Access Denied

My user and cli has AdministratorAccess policy.

Best, Arthur

1 Antwort

Greetings Arthur,

I have noticed that this issue occurred to many people before. I found a similar question here on re:post and was addressed by an AWS Support Engineer. Please check here.

Apparently for this issue you'd need to provide information that is non-public which would make things easy to find the root cause of the problem.

I hope this helps.

Lunga T
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • Yea, I found also this and created a Technical Support case. Let's see what they say.

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