DeepLens v1.1 Registration failure


I have connected my DeepLens v1.1 device to my account to register and validate the devices i purchased, the device never connects to my machine (MacOSX)

I follow the steps exactly as instructed but I only receive failure after initial 2 minutes of waiting.

I connected the device to a monitor and keyboard, i updated the password to my own custom password and i tried to update the packages on the device with the following steps

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install awscam

sudo reboot

I pressed the reset pin too

I also added MFA to the root account of the AWS account we are using.

Nothing I have done has allowed me to successfully complete the 1st step to connect the device to the account to validate and register it.

What can I do?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren322 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


I just finished a setting of my new DeepLens device and that was a bit tricky.

Before you clicked 'Detect AWS DeepLens device' open developer tools in browser (Options + Command + j for Chrome).

Then go to the Network tab and analyze requests which are sent during device detection. There can be a number of issues here.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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