Incorrect time in logs - AWS Elemental Live 2.17.6


Hi, in the AWS Elemental Live the time is set correctly (-3 GMT), but the logs are in GMT format. How can I solve this problem? The version of my Encoder is 2.17.6.


gefragt vor 2 Jahren263 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Hi _neok!

AWS logs use UTC, however if you are using Amazon CloudWatch Dashboard, you can adjust the view to show "local" time. Please see

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • Thanks. I don't use Amazon CloudWatch.


Hi _neok,

The timezone setting in Elemental Live sets the offset for the UI and the command line interfaces. It does not change the system clock which is always UTC. This is why the logs still display UTC timing.

Regards, Steve

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • So it seems. Maybe from CentOS Linux it can be adjusted?

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