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How to perform edge computing by aws iot greengrass


I would like to perform edge computing by linking two function, one is a web application on my pc, one is a function that recieve data from the web at particular situation to futher operate on cloud and send it back.

But as far as I know, a greengrass component must be put in a S3 bucket, that means all components will be on the cloud. Since two of the function are put on the cloud, that means it will be cloud computing instead of edge computing. Therefore, how can I apply edge computing? Is that other way to store the web app close to the edge device instead of on the cloud (S3)?

1 Antwort

Components are copied from S3 to your Greengrass edge device when you do a deployment.

If you'd like to avoid the use of S3 altogether, you can consider performing a local deployment. However, we generally recommend this flow only for development purposes. Once your application is written and tested, it is easier to manage your Greengrass edge deployment via the cloud.


beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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