AWS API - Can't download some pictures from RETS


I am using AWS API to host my real estate website and we are getting data from RETS. We are getting an error MSG when downloading some pictures.

For some of the listings ,we get the following Error form AWS API Found 3 photos. Already Exists Client error: GET resulted in a 404 Not Found

We also checked for "Access denied" error for below listings. And we are getting photos count for them. I attached screenshot named "database" for your reference.

ListingId - OC23026727, ListingKeyNumeric - 370979116, Photocount = 63 ListingId - OC23028684, ListingKeyNumeric - 370982267, Photoscount = 25

For the same listings, if I download photos through thee AWS API, I am getting response in API as "0 photos found". again we do have pictures available but we can't download them.

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