What does the "Snapshot" column indicate? Why is it all the same string?


I would like to know what exactly the Snapshot column on the EBS Volume screen shows.

In my environment, I am seeing the same string "snap-0df8908c34e3...." for all volume IDs. EBS Volume list view

gefragt vor 2 Jahren180 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

These are the EBS Snapshopts that you are seeing with generated naming as snap-xxxxxx. Since you are on the volume page, it shows that the volume was created from that particular snapshot.

Reference : https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/EBSSnapshots.html

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
profile pictureAWS
überprüft vor 2 Jahren
Akzeptierte Antwort

And I have found another document https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/ec2/describe-volumes.html.

The perspective of using the AWS CLI was missing.

describe-volumes.html says

SnapshotId -> (string)
The snapshot from which the volume was created, if applicable.

in AWS CloudShell

$ aws ec2 describe-volumes | cat
    "Volumes": [
            "SnapshotId": "snap-0df8908c34e3b909a",
            "VolumeId": "vol-0810e...",
            "SnapshotId": "snap-0df8908c34e3b909a",
            "VolumeId": "vol-03fd2...",
            "SnapshotId": "snap-0df8908c34e3b909a",
            "VolumeId": "vol-0b8b5...",


$ aws ec2 describe-snapshots --snapshot-ids snap-0df8908c34e3b909a
    "Snapshots": [
            "Description": "Debian 11 (20220503-998)",
            "Encrypted": false,
            "OwnerId": "136693071363",
            "Progress": "100%",
            "SnapshotId": "snap-0df8908c34e3b909a",
            "StartTime": "2022-05-03T20:14:08.235000+00:00",
            "State": "completed",
            "VolumeId": "vol-ffffffff",
            "VolumeSize": 8,
            "OwnerAlias": "amazon",
            "StorageTier": "standard"

So I am able to determine snap-0df8908c34e3b909a was an official Debian snapshot.

The question has been resolved.

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