AWS Org CloudTrail - Member Account Not Added Automatically


CloudTrail has been setup to log all member accounts under the AWS Organizations. A new account is created however, the trail is not visible from the member account and nothing is being logged. Anyone know where to look to understand why this new account is not associated the main cloudtrail that was setup to do logging for all member accounts?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren715 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

When you added new member account in the org, the trail was NOT added to the account? If the trail has been enabled to the admin account of the org with IsOrganizationTrail true, the trail should be automatically added to new member accounts at the same time as created the accounts.

Did you setup anything SCP? (e.g. Deny create-trail)

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • If SCPs were blocking create-trail would removing this automatically fix the issue or are further steps required?

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