Inbound NATs on FTDv Cisco Firewall (Pool of EIP) for Inbound Traffic


Hey re:Post community

I got a question regarding how its supposed to be a setup.

Recently I configure an FTDv Cisco firewall in AWS, which is working for any Outbound traffic from my VPC, but heres something Im not sure exactly how its done.

I got an SFTP Server in my VPC which I need to send files too from the internet, but instead of assigning a Public Address like AWS does already, I want that Inbound traffic to go through my FTDv Firewall.

However as far as Im reading you can only have 1 EIP per Interface, so I have no way to do the NAT on the FTDv if I only have the EIP of the outside interface.

Is there a way to do this like have a pool of addresses assigned to the FTDv so I can use IPs from that pool to configure NATs for my SFTP Servers Inbound traffic?

Thanks in Advance!

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