Amazon Linux 1 reqeust: php 7.3 packages for imagick & mcrypt


Could someone put the following packages on the list for inclusion in Linux 1 on lightsail?


Wordpress gets cranky when you don't have mcrypt installed and mildly annoyed when imagick isn't installed.

Both packages exist for PHP 7.2.



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David G
gefragt vor 5 Jahren860 Aufrufe
14 Antworten

Both of these packages are available on Amazon Linux 2, in the php 7.3 extras repository. We highly recommend moving to Amazon Linux 2, as Amazon Linux 1 is approaching its end of life. To enable the php 7.3 extra on Amazon Linux 2 run:

 sudo amazon-linux-extras enable php7.3

Then you can use the yum command to install these packages:

 sudo yum install php-pecl-mcrypt php-pecl-imagick


beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

I'm using Lightsail and Amazon Linux 2 isn't currently an option.

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David G
beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

I have opened a request with the Lightsail team to add support for Amazon Linux 2. I can also add an item to add those packages to Amazon Linux 1, but I do not have a timeline of even if those packages can be made available.


beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

heath@AWS wrote:
I can also add an item to add those packages to Amazon Linux 1, but I do not have a timeline of even if those packages can be made available.

I saw that there were some PHP73 updates recently, but no mcrypt package.

I'd really like to upgrade from PHP 7.2 to 7.3 on my instances. Lack of mcrypt is the only thing holding me back at the present time.


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David G
beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

I did reach out to the Lightsail team, and they are working on making AL2 available on Lightsail, but they did not have a timeline for that work. We have an item on our list of things to do to add php73-pecl-mcrypt packages to Amazon Linux AMI. I have made a note that this is blocking your upgrade to PHP 7.3. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you, and we appreciate the feedback.


beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

heath@AWS wrote:
We have an item on our list of things to do to add php73-pecl-mcrypt packages to Amazon Linux AMI. I have made a note that this is blocking your upgrade to PHP 7.3.

Any updates on this? I would REALLY like to upgrade my Linux 1 instance to PHP 7.3, but can't due to the lack of mcrypt support.

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David G
beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

Hi I would also love to know if there is Amazon Linux 2 for Elastic Beanstalk platform? Thanks.

beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

mcrypt hasn't been updated in over 10 years. If possible, you should upgrade your code to use Sodium instead.

beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

While libsodium (0.4.3) is available on Linux 1, the PHP extension isn't.

I tried to install libsodium using pecl and it complained that the libsodium version was too old.

Wordpress seems rather insistent that mcrypt be installed.

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David G
beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

Still waiting for this. Any progress?

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David G
beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

Bump. Also waiting for php73-pecl-imagick on Amazon Linux 1.

beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

Any updates? How to install extra packages!

beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

For those still needing this... took a little head-scratching.... but it is still possible to patch in the missing package support on amazon linux 1, using pecl7....

yum install ...your required php73 packages from the ones available

Add the php7-pear package and a few dependencies pecl7 will require to compile missing extensions...

yum install php7-pear php73-devel mcrypt libmcrypt-devel zlib-devel

Now use pecl7 to install the missing extensions...

pecl7 install mcrypt memcache igbinary

Add the extensions to php.ini (or /etc/php-7.3.d/)

And finally add the pear7 path to the include_path in php.ini...

beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

Thank you very much for the tips.

beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

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