route53 problem


hi, I have ec2 and its public ip and aws subdomain and i can do nslookup from any server and its work as it should. I have bought domain on aws and tried to point domain to public ip of ec2 ( a record ), and tried to subdomain of new domain which is pointing to ec2 aws subdomain ( cname )

when i use aws to test records i get all responses which I should get, but if i try nslookup on new domain and subdomain ( on any server outside the aws - i cant get response, just timeout )

i think something is wrong with aws dns but i dont know how to fix or contact support..

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2 Antworten

You mention a new subdomain, this is the correct process for creating one in Route 53

It could be as simple as propagation taking a while when the new domain is provisioned. If you do a whois on your domain - use the whois command or go to - what does it show? Can you dig the new A-record and CNAME that you have created in Route 53 - again use the dig command or use

Also, as AWS is resolving it okay but the rest of the world isn't, can you ensure that you're setting this up in a Route 53 Public Hosted Zone and not a Private Hosted Zone.

Last thing (which it probably isn't, but worth ruling out) if you are using DNSSEC then try disabling it. You can always re-enabe it again later once you get things working

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  1. Check DNS Propagation Delay:

DNS changes can take 24-48 hours to propagate globally due to ISP caching. Wait for this timeframe before testing again.

  1. Verify Record Configuration: => Login to the AWS Management Console and navigate to Route 53.

=>Select your hosted zone.

=>Double-check the following records

A record for your domain Ensure the domain name and the public IP address of your EC2 instance are accurate.

CNAME record for your subdomain: Make sure the subdomain name points to the correct EC2 subdomain (including any periods at the end).

  1. Use External Tools:

While AWS tools might show successful resolution, try tools like dig or host on external servers to confirm global propagation. 4. Check EC2 Instance Health:

Use Route 53 Health Checks to monitor your EC2 instance. If the instance is unhealthy, it can cause timeouts during nslookup. Refer to this guide for setting up health checks:

for more information you can contact AWS Support team :

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