Cloud watch inifinite loading


Hi, Does cloudwatch need some specific setup inside my app or enabling it on AWS is all it takes? I am asking because of every service I have, be it App Runner or ECS when I try to view the app logs it just says 'loading logs' and I've waited for for hours and nothing shows. And the logs I ask are just from the current day. It's like that for every service I have, it simply doesn't work for me.

Thanks, Nenad

2 Antworten

To clarify: You're having an issue looking at CloudWatch Logs in your browser where the logs don't load.

Have you tried a different browser? Also disable any browser extensions or ad blockers that you may be running just in case they are causing an issue.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

Hi, I work for App Runner service team and we would like to understand the issue a bit more deeper. Here are a few follow up questions:

  • Are you seeing this issue only for App Runner or you see the same issue in ECS as well?
  • Did you had a chance to directly view these logs by navigating to cloudwatch log groups? Are you facing the same issue in cloudwatch UI as well?
  • Re-iterating @Brettski-AWS question if the error is console related have you tried different browsers?

Let us know, we will be happy to help you with this. Thanks

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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