Disable Secure Boot on EC2 Windows 11 to enable Windows Test Mode



I'm looking for a way **How to disable Secure Boot on Windows 11 EC2 instances or AMI images. ** I need to enable Test mode in Windows 11 in EC2 to be able to test test-signed code. To enable the mode, Secure boot has to be disabled. I did not find any way how to disable Secure boot on EC2 instance or in my AMI image.

I tried several way how to get into Advanced Startup directly from Windows:

  • hold shift + Restart - does nothing
  • via Setting and Advanced Startup - not this option in mine system
  • CMD shutdown /r /o /f /t 00 - invalid argument /o

My OS Version is: Windows 11 Pro 10.0.22621 Build 22621

I also tried to upload OVA (exported from esxi) to S3 and to AWS EC2 via import-image: aws ec2 import-image --description "description" --disk-containers "file://containers.json" --region <region> --boot-mode legacy-bios, but the boot-mode was automatically changed to "UEFI"

Please, can anybody help with this? Many thanks!

gefragt vor 9 Monaten550 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Dear Customer , Hope you are doing good!!

I would like to seek a minute here to tell you that When VM Import/Export detects a Windows 11 image, it configures the import task with:

The BootMode set to uefi by default – This behavior is a change to the import process for Windows images as Windows 11 supports only UEFI. For previous versions of Windows, VM Import/Export defaults to the Legacy BIOS boot mode.

***Unique to Windows 11 imports, VM Import/Export automatically enables UEFI Secure Boot using Microsoft keys and NitroTPM.

Kindly go through our blog which will give you more information around this : https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/modernizing-with-aws/bringing-your-windows-11-image-to-aws-with-vm-import-export/

Thanks & Regards, Damini

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