Exclude reader instance from Aurora RDS Autoscaling policy


We have an Aurora RDS cluster with replica autoscaling.

For analysis intensive tasks, we want to temporarily launch a separate reader until the analysis job is done. How can we exclude this reader from traffic from the cluster reader endpoint, and exclude its load from affecting the autoscaling actions?

We can do it by script or cli if necessary.

1 Antwort

For your use-case, it sounds like you want to separate one particular reader from the other readers. You can accomplish this by using a custom endpoint. Please see the link for additional info. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/Aurora.Overview.Endpoints.html#Aurora.Endpoints.Custom

beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • In this case, is the reader using custom endpoint receiving connections de default reader endpoint? Or when create a custom endpoint and include reader instance, this instance, is not em reader cluster endpoint more?

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