Possible AWS Glue Connection Bug


Hi There, I was adding a VPC Network connection to an AWS Glue job and I got this error:

JobRunId:jr_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx failed to execute with exception Could not find connection for the given criteria Failed to get catalog connections given names: xxx-xxxxx-xxxx,none

Service: AWSGlueJobExecutor; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidInputException; Request ID: xxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxxxx; Proxy: null

I checked my VPC connecton and it all looked fine with correct security.

Eventually I realized that I had also added the "None" Connection to the job EG Enter image description here

Surely the "None" connection should be ignored or else shouldn't be selectable.

Thanks John

gefragt vor einem Jahr624 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Glue will try to use that None connection and if it's not correct will fail.
Please clean it up.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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