How to use Glue bookmark to track last processed row using timestamp per grouping column


I have a source dataset that I need to load into a Glue Job incrementally. This dataset contains three columns: 'device_id', 'timestamp' and 'reading'.

Because different devices may send readings at different times (and this may include data with timestamps that are EARLIER than the latest timestamps from other devices), I can't simply use the ‘timestamp’ column as the bookmark key. There’s a strong chance that other devices (identified by their ‘device_id’) may have records with older timestamps that need processing.

What I therefore want to be able to do, is configure a Glue bookmark to track the last processed timestamp PER device_id, rather than tracking the last processed timestamp ACROSS ALL device_ids - is this possible with Glue bookmarks, or do I need to consider another alternative?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren2542 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

AWS Glue uses one or more columns as bookmark keys to determine new and processed data. But this does not work as you intend to use it.

  • For single columns used as a bookmark, Glue considers these as unique IDs and read all IDs greater than the last val
  • For multiple columns listed as bookmarks, it works to identify the last value from both columns. The docs are not detailed as to how they work, but my test did not pick up all cases where there were new id's and timestamps.

You can specify jobBookmarkKeys and jobBookmarkKeysSortOrder in the following ways:

create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog — Use additional_options.

create_dynamic_frame.from_options — Use connection_options.

Use the below example when using from_catalog

datasource0 = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog(
    database = "devices", table_name = "device_reading",
    transformation_ctx = "datasource0",
    additional_options = {
        "jobBookmarkKeys": ["device_id","timestamp"],
        "jobBookmarkKeysSortOrder": "asc"

Please follow this reference for any more information

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Glue job bookmark works in this fashion:

  • For Amazon S3 Data sources, AWS Glue job bookmarks check the last modified time of the objects to verify which objects need to be reprocessed.

  • For JDBC data stores Job Bookmarks you can specify the column names to use as bookmark keys. By default PRIMARY key is used but each bookmark keys has to follow a rule that either they are increasing or decreasing with no gap.

Thus there is no issue when it come for S3 data sources, But if it the case that it is JDBC data source you have to compound keys as your timestamp column is not contiguous or try to use a single column which have contiguous data.

additional_options = {
        "jobBookmarkKeys": ["device_id","timestamp"],
        "jobBookmarkKeysSortOrder": "asc"
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