What is the number in log file names of elastic beanstalk on s3 means?


I set to save log files of my elastic beanstalk on S3 through Cloudwatch. As I checked the saved log files, some numbers come after "access.log" but don't know what it means. Is there any way to set log file name as {saved-time}-access.log? Or can I know what this number means so that I can schedule a daily job parsing the day's log file?

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gefragt vor einem Jahr276 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

It's the epoch time which you can convert to human readable format and use in the parse scripts as required.

eg 1668074461 converts to Thursday November 10, 2022 19:01:01 ( for UTC+09:00 )

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • Clear! Thanks

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