Accessing AWS FSX from a windows EC2 that is not joined to the same domain.


We have an AWS FSX file system that is part of a domain. We have few Windows EC2 instances out of which some are part of same domain as FSX and some are not joined to the domain. Is it possible to access AWS FSX from the Windows EC2 machine that are not joined to the domain?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren1041 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Yes it's possible ,You need to resolve your domain name by pointing you workgroup machines to your DNS server ,and also you need to use domain user (Domain\user) that has the right access permeations on FSX when you are trying to connect from workgroup machine.

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überprüft vor 23 Tagen


I believe you want to access AWS FSX from the Windows EC2 machine that are not joined to the domain. It is not possible to access AWS FSX as machines need to be domain joined in order to access files systems[1]. The AWS FSX has to be mounted to your Windows EC2 machine joined to your domain[2].



beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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