Spam emails from my own spoofed addresses


We received spam messages from our own email address. I read the forum question related to a similar problem (: It looks to me that we have everything correctly set up, yet we get these spoofed emails. What can I do to stop it?

1 Antwort


I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing problems with spoofed mail from your own domain. The forum suggests enabling DMARC enforcement in the WorkMail console. To make sure this works effectively for your own domain you do need to configure the DMARC domain records. Did you configure these domain records for your domain? If not. you can find the required records for that in the WorkMail console.

Kind regards, Robin

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • Thank you Robin. Indeed, the DMARC domain records on Route 53 were not added. I appreciate your help.

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