Starting a file input at a given time


Hi there,

I want to start a file input at a predetermined time. But, I don't exactly know when the channel will finish starting, so my plan is:

  1. Start the channel at least five minutes before the stream is scheduled to start.
  2. Play the file in the MP4 input.

It is possible that there may be a few minutes of unused time between the channel starting and the actual "stream" starting.

What should I do with this time? Since at least two inputs are required to handle input-switching, is there a way to create an input which is essentially a blackout?

gefragt vor 3 Jahren210 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Hi chrisatmb,

A config you can test and see if it meets your requirements is to use two file inputs, the first being a black slate and the second your file with the content for the event. You can set the first input as a looped file, the second file you do not loop. You can then set a schedule to do an input switch to the second file, the content file for the event at a certain time. If you use just one input the event will start to encode the input as soon as its running, with the suggested configuration it will encode the first input and output black until the scheduled switch occurs and its moved to the second input.

Input1: looped black video file
Input2: Actual media file for the event
Set a schedule to input switch to input2, media file at the required time.

I would advise running up the event 5-10 minutes prior to make sure it is running and would suggest you test this workflow ahead of time to make sure it works as you would expect it to.

beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

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