aws iot core thing provisioning


I have a certificate generated by AWS IoT Core. I have a thing group created by AWS IoT Core. Certificates and thing groups are linked. A policy is also configured. However, the thing is not registered. I pass the certificate generated by AWS IoT Core to the device developer. Is there a way for device developers to register things in AWS IoT Core through the passed certificate?

If I create only thing groups and certificates without registering things, I hope the thing requested by the device developer to be registered is included in the thing group. Is there any way to register things like this? thank you

gefragt vor einem Jahr314 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Hi. This page of the device provisioning whitepaper covers your options:

More information here:

Is there a way for device developers to register things in AWS IoT Core through the passed certificate?

JITP/JITR is kind of a fit, but you need your own CA. The device certificate is registered (and the Thing is created) in IoT Core when the device connects the first time.

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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