Set Concurrency level in AWS EMR, using AWS CLI


Hi Team,

getting issue while creating EMR CLUSTER. using AWS CLI Script.

Unknown options: --step-concurrency-level,5.

Details: Spark Application --release-label emr-5.30.0

Please let me know if there is any solution?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren373 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


Thanks for writing to re:Post.

Looking at the issue, it seems to be a syntax error due to which the step-concurrency-level parameter was unidentified during cluster launch through CLI.

The error is reproducible when a comma is inserted between the parameter and the value (--step-concurrency-level,10).

It can be resolved by replacing comma with a space (--step-concurrency-level 10) in create-cluster CLI command.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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