Intermittend InvalidSignature error when retrieving object from S3 Object Lambda accesspoint in lambda@edge function


We have created a lambda@edge function (nodejs 14 with default aws sdk) that retrieves an object from an S3 Object Lambda accesspoint. Most of the time everything works correctly, but from one moment to the other the lambda@edge function fails the call to S3 with an "InvalidSignature" error.

We create the S3 client once during the lambda@edge during the startup of the lambda@edge function and only do an s3.getObject call to the S3 Object Lambda accesspoint and return the results.

Any idea what could be the cause?

1 Antwort

For this type of problem, I'd strongly recommend creating a support case. The support team is able to bring in the Lambda@Edge service team, look at the logs, correlate the time/date of when you're seeing errors and work with you to fix the issue.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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