AWS Network Firewall


We have created 3 subnets ( public, DB & APP) in each 3 Availability Zone in Single VPC and environment running Kubernetes environment in EC2 Instance. We have created a firewall endpoint in each availability zone. We have planned all traffic between the subnets to go through firewall . We have created the route table for flowing the traffic between the subnet.

We are facing issue , able get communication between with 1 & 2 AZ , in 3 AZ we are unable to do the communication. if we change the route table we are able get communication 2 & 3 AZ, but unable get communication to 1 AZ

gefragt vor 2 Jahren267 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Without more details of how the routing is configured, it is hard to say what might be wrong. You can though review this blog post that describes how you can do inspection between VPC Subnets.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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