Error when trying to import package installed using lambda layer on nodejs14 ES module enabled lambda function


I have created a lambda function on the nodejs14 runtime that has the ES module enabled. I have installed a custom package using the lambda layer following the folder structure specified on documentation.




When I try to import this package

import my-package-name from "my-package-name"

I get an error that says can't find the module. The weird part is it works perfectly fine when CommonJS is enabled (ES module disabled).

gefragt vor 2 Jahren766 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Not sure if you ever got an answer on this but we just went through the same issue with Node.js 16. I updated my original question with support's response. Short answer, not possible. Longer answer, you can use a wrapper to get the module paths.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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